Lori Rapati, Fabric Art

A passion for fabric:  this sums up what's happening in my life right now. Fabric has so much personality: it can reflect everything about life and open up unlimited possibilities.  It draws you in and invites you to touch, feel and be involved with it.  Although I have sewn for many years, it's only recently that I have had this strange attraction and desire to create something unique and reflective of what's inside me.  I believe God has placed His creative nature within each of us, so it's only natural that we need to express it and my way is to create Fabric Art.  I love the challenge to recreate the beauty in this world; to put a twist on a timeless quilt block; to create a piece that has sound, motion or feeling; or to release my inner feelings in a tangible way.  I'm always trying new things, so keep checking back to see what's available.  If you have a photo that you would like to have "interpreted" into fabric, email me at island.dreams@live.com and I'll see what I can do for you.